the grind

the daily grind is real.
for real, you hear me?

the constant friction of 
mind against matter,
the twisting-turning round
of humans on this
planet path
we call Earth.

New day, same shift.

If you find your always
on the hustle,
always on the go,
out their saving the world
one poem at a time,
just keep going.

Do not stop.

            Do not give up. 

                Don't give out.

                   Do not give in
                           or give way to doubt.
                           Do not doubt- 
              trust the process.
       accept the plan.
    the Master's marvelous plan 
it's failproof.

you may meet failure
but you won't fail.
You will win. There's 
only one rule, one MUST
one, one HAVE To
one TRUST...

DO             NOT             STOP.

keep stretching/
keep extending/
keep giving/
keep conceiving/
keep grieving/
keep up the pace/
keep your head dipped a slight bit/
keep your heart hoping forward
keep your mind, 
on the find,

and do not quit.

trial of patience

The saying is so very true
when it rains it pours.
Also what can go wrong will

in fact go wrong.
I have learned that if you think

a certain problem can not fall
at your doorstep,
think again.

My momma says keep living,

keep waking up,

and that you aint seen nothing yet!

The good book reads that the” trying of your faith
worketh patience, and that

patience may have her perfect work,”

I have also learned that your faith

will in deed be tried
and by that I mean every drop

of patience you
have within you

will be tested- for its strength,

durability, for its humanness, and character
and most importantly for its compassion.

Your patience will be cross-examined,

it will be prosecuted, and witnesses

will be called, to testify of your patience and your good works,

Folks will ask did your patience stand the test?

or Did your wiry soul silently suffer?

Did you succumb to your injuries?

Or Did you fight the good fight of faith?

And through it all, through the weathering of your faith,

if you faint not, Patience will have her perfect work.

Your patience will be the balm

for your wounded soul, knowing

patience is active, and alive, and working

within you, to birth forth

your healing.

So, ask your problems

to meet you in the center of the ring,

where your faith and patience join to

uphold your troubled disposition

and step into round one

of your fight for peace.

I am on your side!


Will you light a candle and

bless the darkness,

vigil vowed on distant shores.

Poppy, placed pedals at the

forefront of remembrance,

of a time, we studied war no more.

standing hope hungered,

we kept watch in the trenches

as our fathers did before

freedom unfurled its first of fury

finally, peace was restored


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