
at the chime of the pendulum of mom’s wooden clock signaling the healing to commence in every ventricle and vino cave in every shelter makeshift mats and those of stone and others built by the bricklayer’s hands just as the Plesiosaurs of ancient Scotland terrorized the hearts and minds of men commanded in finality toContinue reading “healing”

impaired vision

the lens from which you view the color of my Beautiful Brown skin presents a falsehood makes you dismissive gave you the inaccurate illusion that you could use that brash tone with me the lens from which you view the color of your skin presents inaccuracies your White skin provides a false identity that youContinue reading “impaired vision”

RIP King

“We do not get to choose our exit, only the performance before the final curtain call” Lee L. Booker The loss and legacy of Chadwick Boseman resonates with millions. This man, this great big presence of a man, represented the greatness in Black and Brown people everywhere. Chadwick showed the world, what could never beContinue reading “RIP King”

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